About Cyber Guys

We’re passionate about helping you secure your business online.

We’re here for Australian Small Businesses Digital Integrity.

At the heart of our mission lies a deep-seated passion for bolstering the cybersecurity of small businesses in Australia. We understand that these enterprises are the backbone of our economy, driving innovation and providing vital services to communities. However, the digital landscape is rife with threats that can cripple even the most promising ventures.

That's why we are fervently committed to equipping small businesses with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to navigate the intricacies of cybersecurity. Our dedication stems from a belief that every business, regardless of size, deserves the utmost protection against cyber risks. We take pride in being advocates for the security and prosperity of small businesses, working tirelessly to ensure they can thrive in the digital era with confidence and resilience.

What We Offer

Auditing & Strategy

In today's digital age, cyber auditing and security strategy are crucial for small businesses. As more and more transactions and interactions occur online, the risk of cyber threats and attacks also increases. Small businesses may think they are not a target, but they are actually more vulnerable due to their limited resources and often inadequate security measures.

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Cyber Essentials Package

The Cyber Essentials Package includes a comprehensive systems audit, monthly phishing simulations, industry-leading staff training and modules, along with an interactive portal and report every quarter to keep cyber awareness up within your organisation.

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Virtual Chief Information Security Officer

The vCISO service is designed to bridge the gap between technological complexity and strategic decision-making. It goes beyond the traditional understanding of cybersecurity by infusing executive strategy, oversight, and support directly into a company.

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Business Continuity Planning

Businesses of all sizes must be prepared to face the challenges posed by ever-evolving risks, such as cybercrime and natural disasters. With a changing climate threatening the viability of businesses on multiple fronts, investing in risk management strategies could mean the difference between permanent closure or standing strong against adversity.

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Insurance and Security Standard Compliance

As industries and insurance companies grapple to keep up with the rising threat of cyber crime, they are requiring a higher level of cyber best practice compliance - which can be very daunting for small to medium sized business owners. Our packages will help bring your business up to an insurable standard.

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User Awareness Training

With cyber crime constantly evolving, the need for user training has never been higher. Direct hacking has almost been replaced by schemes involve tricking employees into letting unauthorised criminals onto your network without the need to hack anything. If your business needs custom training on a particular topic, we offer remote and onsite training for a general or particular security concern.

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Meet our


Brandon Strangman

Managing Director, CEO & Founder - Cyber Guys

Qualifications: BA, GCertCyberSec, MCyberStInv, MACS, MAISA, MIML, (ISC)² Certified in Cyber Security

Meet Brandon, the Founder and CEO of Cyber Guys—a cutting-edge, proactive cybersecurity firm established for small to medium businesses. Brandon’s goal with Cyber Guys is giving SME business owners a place to start on their journey to better cybersecurity.

With 15 years of backbreaking, in-the-trenches experience in IT support for small to medium sized businesses, he offers a wealth of expertise and innovative solutions in cyber security, training and risk management. During his tenure in small business IT, Brandon was on the frontlines of cleaning up cyber attacks after they happened. He knew that the way to best help his customers isn’t to be there when a breach happens, it is to prevent the breach from happening in the first place through focusing on people, employee training, risk management and simple but powerful technology tools that realigns the IT industry as an integral part of good business, not just a casual service.

Small businesses seeking guidance in this complex realm can now rely on Brandon's wealth of experience and forward-thinking approach to safeguard their digital future.

Linda Dang

Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer - Cyber Guys

Director - Evisory Accountants

Qualifications: BBus(Acct), CPA, Registered Tax Agent

Linda Dang is a hospitality accountant turned business growth consultant. Linda has over a decade of experience in Accounting, and bookkeeping, and is passionate about helping small and medium businesses grow and succeed. She is excited to share her knowledge and expertise with others, and looks forward to helping businesses achieve their goals.

Linda is a new breed of accounting director that recognises just how important technology is within a small business. As small businesses in a modern economy struggle to compete with big business, she works with her clients at Evisory to best utilise technology to stay afloat. She also recognises just how devastating a cyber attack can be on a business, and how technology applications can be a gamechanger, as well as a new risk.

Linda founded Cyber Guys with Brandon in 2022 with the central goal of increasing technology utilisation in business, while also transforming business culture towards cyber safety. She is an integral part of Cyber Guys and is an advocate for women in IT.