The foundations behind Cyber Guys began as a community driven idea

Our Passionate belief is that everyone from all backgrounds should have access to cyber security knowledge.

We believe that cyber safety is a human right. We are on a mission to end cyber crime in our community. Once and for all.

Community Cyber Safety Training

Available for Greater Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne Areas

Cyber Guys is not just about business; we genuinely prioritise the well-being of our customers and the wider community. In our unwavering commitment to giving back, we provide a range of affordable opportunities for the community, such as informative seminars, engaging speaking engagements, and interactive group sessions. Through these initiatives, we strive to enhance awareness among individuals in their daily lives, be it at home or in educational settings, regarding the crucial subject of cyber security.

Nothing beats hearing about cyber security from a company that lives it.

Unparalleled Expertise

At Cyber Guys, we pride ourselves on having a team of cyber security experts who possess a wealth of knowledge and industry experience. Our instructors are not just teachers; they are professionals who have successfully defended advanced network layouts. With their guidance, your audience will gain real-life insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats, and how to stay safe online at home, school and work.

Customised Training Programs

At Cyber Guys, we understand that each individual's learning needs are unique. That's why we offer flexible training programs that can be tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you are wanting a seminar for the elderly, or an experienced professional to deliver cyber safety seminars to school students and parents, we tailor our training to our audience.

Some of our topics include

For School Students

Cyberbullying and your Future

Discover the power of standing against cyberbullying and shaping a bright future! Our message to school students is clear: learn to be responsible digital citizens, foster safe online spaces, build resilience, utilise positivity to stand out, and support others. By taking action against cyberbullying, you're not only ensuring your safety but also creating a future where technology enhances your potential and contributes to a better world.

Social Media Trolls - “a bit of fun” or a crime?

Delve into the complex world of social media trolling and explore whether it's just harmless online banter or if it crosses the line into criminal activity. This website offers insights into the motivations behind trolling, the impact on victims, and the legal implications that arise when online behavior turns malicious. Uncover the blurred boundaries of free speech and digital harassment, and gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of responsible online interactions.

Identity Theft and Social Media

Learn how to protect your online identity and stay safe on social media with this engaging website. Discover the risks of sharing personal information online and explore real-life stories that highlight the dangers of identity theft. Get practical tips on setting strong passwords, managing privacy settings, and recognizing phishing attempts.

Software Piracy - harmless, or a target?

Dive into the intriguing world of software piracy and discover whether it's a harmless act or a serious concern. This website is your gateway to understanding the ethical, legal, and practical aspects of using and sharing software. Explore the reasons behind software piracy, the potential consequences for individuals and industries, and the importance of respecting intellectual property rights. Engaging stories and relatable scenarios will help you grasp the impact of piracy on creators and innovation. Gain insights into legal alternatives, responsible software usage, and how you can contribute to a digital environment that values creativity and fairness.

For Parents & Community

Email Phishing - how can I know what is what?

Email phishing is a pervasive online threat that preys on individuals' trust and curiosity. Staying informed about common phishing techniques and regularly updating security software also bolsters defence against these deceitful tactics. By adopting a cautious and informed approach, individuals can confidently navigate the digital landscape while minimizing the risks associated with email phishing.

The 7 Biggest Threats to your ID in Cyberspace

Are you concerned about your personal information falling into the wrong hands? Learn how to defend yourself against cybercriminals, phishing attacks, data breaches, and more. Our expert speakers will share essential tips and practical strategies to protect your identity in the digital age. Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower yourself with knowledge that can keep your identity secure. Join us and take control of your online presence!

What to do if you have been scammed

Discover essential steps to take if you've fallen victim to a scam in our comprehensive presentation: "What to Do If You Have Been Scammed." Don't panic—empower yourself with expert guidance on reporting incidents, recovering losses, and safeguarding your finances. Learn from real-life case studies and gain insights into the latest scamming tactics. Whether it's online fraud, phishing, or deceptive schemes, our speakers will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the aftermath of a scam.

Developing a CyberSense - your best defence against cyber crime

Unveil the ultimate defense strategy against cybercrime in our groundbreaking presentation. Are you prepared to outsmart hackers and safeguard your digital life? Join us to explore the art of cultivating a CyberSense—a heightened awareness of online threats and best practices to counter them. Our experts will demystify complex jargon, arm you with practical tips, and share real-world stories to enhance your cyber resilience. From phishing scams to malware attacks, we've got you covered.


Get in touch

If you are interested in having Cyber Guys speak at your school, facility or community group, please send us a message. We will be in contact as soon as possible.